Read the whole series: Facts About Fresno County
Yes, we jumped from Page 11 to here. What happened to Page 12 and 13? Nothing against those two pages but it’s just a map showing where Fresno County was in relation to the State of California and we think it’s pretty obvious to us that live here. Page 14 is all about Manufacturing, Commercial, Oil Fields and for some reason they snuck in the Mountains right in the middle.
Fresno County Manufacturing and Commercial
As you might expect, they talk a little about the packing houses for raisins and dried fruits. The idea that they are trying to get across is that Fresno is a big growing area in terms of both product and acreage and so with that, the processing and preparations are also going to be big.
Side Note: The World Ag Expo is currently happening here. People come from all over the world to attend. We were, and still are the center of Ag!
We LOVE that they mention a large brewery! It’s not that we like Beer, right? If we had to take a guess at who or where that was, we’d say it was The Fresno Brewing Company located at M and Heaton Streets in downtown Fresno that they refer to. According to what we can find, Ernst Eilert and his son, William J. Eilert, moved to Fresno in 1899 from Humbird, Wisconsin, where Ernst owned and operated another brewery. Like most brewers at that time he used European brewing techniques producing beers that we today would think of as “mild” – sorry, no crafty triple IPAs!
In The Mountains
Our best guess on this section is that they are speaking to the dreamers. We know as Fresno builds and expands it’s going to need raw materials to do so. Rock and gravel to build roads and buildings. They mention the minerals available in the mountains and specify that not much has been done to take advantage of them.
They speak about the forests that supply the lumber to frame houses as well. We’re more sensitive these days to old growth forests and sustainability. They mention the enormous size of the trees. They say that some measure over 100 feet around! Did you know that our beloved General Sherman Giant Sequoia measures 102.6 feet around at it’s base?
Fresno County Oil Fields
Once again, they seem to be focusing on expansion and building. As they say, oil would be key to the industrial processes and we seem to have a good supply of inexpensive quality crude oil nearby which feeds right back the manufacturing angle of the page. Today when we think local oil, we tend to think of the Bakersfield area and that’s correct today with more than 95% of all Federal drilling occurring in established fields within the Kern County area. Back in the 1900s it was all about Coalinga!
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